Partners engaged
The CLEAR2.0 consortium strength lied in our extensive knowledge of consumers and our technical expertise.
The consortium is composed of 6 consumer organizations (Test Achats/Test Aankoop, OCU, DECO Proteste, Altroconsumo, Mipor, dTest), the International Consumer Research & Testing (ICRT) and the European agency of consumers (BEUC)
More in detail:
The mission of the Belgian consumer association Test Aankoop / Test Achats is the promotion and protection of consumer interests, the search for solutions to their problems, and help in the attainment of their rights. Test Aankoop / Test Achats is actively involved in the improvement of products and services offered to consumers by making comparative tests and highlighting products with the best price/quality ratio. In additions, Test Aankoop / Test Achats seeks, whenever possible, to reconcile consumerism and sustainable development.
Contact person: Giorgia Caroli
phone: +32(0)2 5423404
DECO PROTESTE, Editors, Ltd is an organization whose mission is to promote and defend consumer interests, solve their daily problems and help them implement the fundamental rights of freedom of choice, give access to information, education, justice, health, safety and a healthy environment. Its purpose is to detect consumer problems, find solutions and make these solutions available to consumers.
Contact person: Isabel Oliveira
phone: +351 218 418 792
Altroconsumo Edizioni srl and Altroconsumo Consumer association share the same mission: to promote and protect the basic interest and rights of consumers, with regard to health and safety, environment, economic interest protection, redress, consumer education and information.
Their audience reaches more than 390.000 people, corresponding to the members of Altroconsumo consumers association, as membership subscriptions include magazine subscriptions.
Contact person: Stefano Casiraghi
phone: +39 02 66 89 01
OCU is a private independent non-profit organisation that aims to promote and defend the interests of consumers, guiding them in their choices as consumers, working to help them solve their problems within the consumption of different products and to protect their fundamental rights as consumers. OCU has more than 300,000 members who receive a monthly magazine. OCU also communicates to consumers via the OCU website, which allows consumers to ask for information on different products.
Contact person: Cayetana Crespo
phone: +34917226042
The Internation Consumer Research Institute (MIPOR) was established in 1993 by the Slovene Consumers’ Association (ZPS) and the UK Consumer Association. MIPOR is a research institute, active in the fields of consumer protection policy, comparative testing of goods and services, capacity building and consultancy projects. MIPOR publishes test results in the only independent Slovene consumer magazine ZPStest and on the web-portal of the Slovene Consumer’s Organization ZPS, together with various product pickers and additional content. ZPS with MIPOR’s professional support is actively involved in consumer policy making at national, European and global level. ZPS representative has a permanent seat in the MIPOR Board of Directors.
Contact person: Bostjan Okorn
email: [email protected]
phone: +38 614 740 620
dTest is a non-profit organisation founded in 1992 with the name Czech Association of Consumers TEST. Their mission is to provide a comprehensive consumer service via their magazine dTest, brochures and consumer hotline. dTest publishes tests, promotes consumer rights and aspire to their improvement.
dTest is cooperating closely with other consumer organisations worldwide. Since 2005 they are a member of Internation Consumer Research and Testing (ICRT) and since 2010 of the European consumer organisation BEUC.
Contact person: Martin Černý
phone: +420 241 404 922
International Consumer Research & Testing (ICRT) is a global consortium of more than 40 consumers' organisations worldwide dedicated to carrying out joint research and testing in the consumer's interest. ICRT member organisations act exclusively in that way. They do not accept advertising and are independent of commerce, industry and political parties.
Contact person: Andrea Klag
phone: +44(0)20 7563 9188
BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation, is the Brussels-based federation of 41 independent national consumer's organisations from 31 European countries. BEUC is a non-profit association and for nearly 55 years has been bringing together consumer's organisations to promote, defend and represent the interests of European consumers in the development and implementation of European Union policies. BEUC’s role is to inform the member organisations about EU developments as well as to represent the members in relevant EU dossiers and to act as the consumer voice in Europe.
Contact person: Monika De Volder
Email: [email protected]>
phone: +32(0)2892 11 05